25 January 2010

Excuses, excuses

I just finished filling another recycling bag full of stuff from the closet in the "room that was to be a nursery." I emptied boxes of stuff that I had in my apartment when I was single -- you have never seen so many candle holders in your life! I've also found a bunch of stuff that I'm going to either take to G.oodwill or Free.cycle, depending on how much energy I have.

I know that I promised that I would blog about my convo with the adoption intake worker, but I'm just so exhausted from my day (not only did I have to see the chiropractor and my GP, I also got my eyebrows done and got a new cable box for the fancy new TV).

I'm going to eat some chocolate and try to stay awake for an episode of B.rothers and S.isters that I PVR'ed two weeks ago!

Hopefully tomorrow I will have more energy!


  1. I so need my eyebrows done! I am glad you are making progress, it must feel great.

  2. That's okay...I don't think your blog readers (including me) are going anywhere. We can wait for the update on the conversation with the SW! :)

  3. Hey, did you say candle holders??

    I have a fabulous idea- how about you take some pictures and do a Blog Tag Sale for those candle holders! You can raise $$ for the nursery, and we can buy pretty candle holders! Win-Win!

  4. You have good reason to be exhausted! Go easy on yourself. You are making great progess and I bet it is so much fun to be making progress and making room for your child that is coming! They are coming, I am belieiving it for you!!

  5. NICE. Not only a material achievement, but a massive psychological victory (even partway there!).

  6. I love getting my eyebrows done (well, not during the process). I know it's weird, but my face feels so "clean" with well maintained eyebrows!

  7. Ok I am definitely PMS-ing bc the mere mention of chocolate has me salivating!!

    I still cannot wait to get the adoption update:)

  8. I LOVE that show!! I am totally hooked.

    It feels so good to clean things out!

  9. You got a lot done! We understand and will wait for an update on the SW conversation.

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