11 June 2009

(Wo)man down!

I really shouldn't be looking at a computer screen right now.

I woke up with the startings of a migraine. I have no idea how I dragged myself to work (well I did start to cry because the pain was so bad and I was delayed about 15 minutes). I got to my classroom, almost threw up in my sink and then called the secretary. Then I wrote some stuff down for the supply teacher then I made it home.

I slept for almost three hours and I woke up starving for M.cD.onald's fries.

Lucky for me Mr. JB took the day off to finish his report cards and he's been taking really good care of me.

WTF??? What is wrong with me? I'm done my reports and I felt fine last night.

Will having all of this stupid endo removed make my headaches better?

I'm going back to bed.


  1. You're on lupron, right? Could it be a side effect? I think lupron migraines are pretty common, unfortunately. Hope you get some relief soon :(.

  2. u r in lupron hell - sorry - think of the good it will do your endo....

  3. That's just unacceptable. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. I hope your head is feeling better.

  5. Lupron gave me the worst headaches!! I truly hope you feel better soon!!

    Thinking of you.


  6. WTH is wrong with all of us this month???? This is INSANE!!

    In other news, I've been completely depressed lately and I'm sorry for not being more active in posting comments. I have been reading, though.

  7. I don't know anything about lupron but endo has been linked to migraines in at least one study so here's hoping that surgery + no more lupron = no more migraines!! Actually for your sake, I'm hoping that you don't have any more migraines period. That's nice that Mr. JB was able to take care of you. Hang in there!

  8. By Lupron, migraines SUCK. You poor thing! I hope some rest in a cool, quiet, dark room helps ease the pain a bit.

  9. Report card 'season' always leaves me with a headache, too. You're more stressed, you're up late (overtired), staring at a computer screen (at least, we do -- ours are all done online)... and though I don't know anything about lupron, I would bet combining it with the general stressors of this teaching this time of year all add up to what you just went through. Hope you're better soon!! (And to anyone who thinks the end of the year is all fun and games for teachers... HA!! It's the most stressful time, IMO.) Just remember, each day brings you one day closer to summer break and to your surgery date!!

  10. Those headaches are debilitating. Although it is difficult to give in to it and take care of yourself, it really is the best things to do.
