18 March 2009

Pre-Op JellyBelly

I have my pre-op appointment with my doctor then I have to go to the hospital for my work-up. The clinic secretary told me the appointment at the hospital is going to take almost two hours!

Wish me luck. I'll let you all know about the appointments when I get in tonight.


  1. Hope all goes well! I'm very hopeful for this surgery and the answers it will hopefully provide you.

  2. Well hopefully by now you're all done and everything went well. We made the pancake/waffle recipe on Saturday and Sunday - it's way better as waffles - so yummy!!

  3. Let us know how it goes!
    I can't believe april is just around the corner...how time flies!!

  4. can't wait to hear all about it!!!

  5. GL! Sorry this is late, but I hope it all went well!

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