14 October 2009


I saw 10KL (clear and stretchy) cervical mucous today. I was in the washroom in the staff room so I hope that no one heard my yelp of joy.

So I guess that it was ovulation pain that I felt yesterday. I'm pretty rusty on the Creighton charting, but I knew right away that it was 10KL. And it was only once today.

Okay Aunt Flo, I'm ready for you. Can you show up already?????


  1. So that should mean you probably won't see your period for another two weeks. Ovulation is a great start!

  2. Ohh...the O's are waking up!! AF COME ON!!! (altough she still has about 13 days or so...)

  3. You still have about 14 days until you ovulate chickey! Have you forgotten that much?? Hahahahahaha Assuming that you have a 14 day luteal phase and yesterday was Peak! Don't worry, we got your back! :)

  4. Yay! So happy you had some good signs! Praying for you...

  5. I really hope that Sew means that I have 14 day to get
    AF! I don't need to ovulate twice!

  6. I really hope I meant that too! I think I should one not express my opinion ever because I really suck at expressing myself!

    Every time I hit publish, I think am I going to piss someone off?

    And too, will I be made to look like a fool when I hit publish! hahahahaha

    Yes, I meant a 14 day luteal phase, but dumb ass on me, I know you aren't a dumb ass! :) hahahahahahahahaha

  7. You're definitely not a dumb ass Sew! I was taken aback for a second because I want AF to come ASAP!!!! I don't need to ovulate twice since we can't even try this cycle!
