18 October 2009

Occupational Hazard

I'm sick.

Don't worry, I'm not in the "having to go to the hospital" sick. I have a cold and I think that I can pinpoint exactly when the virus entered my body.

I'm actually surprised that it took this long to catch cold!

I also think that it's pretty ironic that I finished my month-long course of antibiotics on Friday and I woke up with a sore throat on Saturday morning.


I've been taking every homeopathic remedy that I have in my house. Luckily enough I still have a whole bunch of stuff left over from the three-month long cold that I had last year.

So I'm going to slather myself in V.icks V.apo.R.ub and take some more vitamin C and hope that this cold passes quickly. I can't afford to take any more time off after my stint in the hospital AND I'm starting my guided reading groups tomorrow. Have I mentioned how smart my class is? I have four kids that are already reading at grade two level! One kid already reads chapter books! Woohoo!

Thank God that tissues were on sale at the drug store I have a feeling that I'm going to go through quite a few this week...

p.s. My fertile best friend is having a boy. They told us yesterday when they were over for dinner. For some reason I'm not insanely jealous. However, if they were having another girl I would be green with envy.


  1. I hope you feel better soon. I've had so many cold since I have worked with kids for years. That's awesome that your class is such good readers.

  2. Ughh, I hate cold season. Get better quickly because the yanks will be playing again soon and we need you to cheer them on for Canada!!

  3. That sucks so badly! I have not been sick with a cold in forever! :) I am so sorry!

    Wish I could give you some of my homemade chicken stock. :)

    Lard is divine. :) I bought mine from a farmer. It's like gold. $10 a pound! WTH!!! :)

  4. Ugh! Not like you haven't been through enough...

    Hope your cold goes away soon.

    Sounds like a great class! You will have tons of fun with them this year. :)

  5. So sorry you're down with a cold after being so sick! Unfortunately, that always seems to happen with antibiotics because they kill the good bacteria along with the bad, so when any new bad stuff comes along, there's no longer any of the good left to fight it. A good probiotic may help you build the good guys back up again :).

    Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Feel better soon, and great news that your cycle is returning!

  7. Ugh, so sorry about the cold. You're right, it is an occupational hazard! We've had SO MANY students and teachers out lately, it's ridiculous - swine flu, regular flu, strep throat, cold, etc. It's too early for all this!

    Hope you're feeling better soon.

  8. Hope your cold goes away soon. I have had one for 2 weeks now and it won't leave. Hope you got a different bug than me.
