18 July 2009

Prayers please

All of this infertility and endometriosis stuff has distracted me from my other health issues. Although, I could just be overreacting (somehow I doubt it), I think that my ulcerative colitis may be flaring up.

I haven't been feeling 100% for the past week. It started with a little summer cold that went away in a couple of days and then my stomach started to bother me. At first I thought that it was some "off" Chinese food that we both ate for lunch. Mr. JB's iron lined belly was even upset, so I actually felt oddly comforted that it would pass.

Alas, it's been three days and it hasn't.

For those of you that don't know the gory symptoms of UC, it involves a lot of bathroom going. Number two more than anything. And it's the urgency that is the most frightening.

I've spent the past 12 hours very close to my bathroom. Thank God that I had a good book!

My biggest worry at this point is that if I am having a UC flare that it's going to affect my surgery on the 4th. I know that it's still a couple of weeks away, but I have been hospitalized in the past and it took a long time to recover.

I've been saying my Hail Mary's to calm myself down, but at this point I'm feeling so stressed out which doesn't help my angry bowels.

Please God, I want the drama with my body to stop!


  1. Praying for no flare-ups, that it's just an icky inconvenient stomach virus, that you can have your surgery as planned, and that you feel better soon.

  2. Oh sweetie, I'll say plenty of prayers for you tomorrow--that this is not a flare up, or only a very minor one, and that you'll feel much better by next week in plenty of time for the big day.

    Getting slammed by health stuff month after month is so exhausting and disheartening.

    I'm glad you have a good book, too.

  3. Praying for you! I really hope it calms down very soon. I'm sure not only is the actual intestinal issues horrible to deal with, but the worrying about it getting worse must be excruciating too.

  4. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Being unable to rely on your body is so frightening. Praying that you'll be right as rain in plenty of time for surgery!

  5. This is the last thing you need. I hope that things are cleared up soon and you feel better!

  6. Ugh. I hope the gut settles down very soon! At least anesthesia-wise, I don't think they'd cancel your surgery unless you were getting really dehydrated and unwell from the flare. Have you called your surgeon to see if you need to worry? I would doubt the UC would cause them a problem either, but I'm no surgeon!
    Feel better soon!

  7. Oh no JB! I really hope that it calms down soon, I imagine that you are pulling out all the stops, I would hate to see this delay your surgery.

  8. I hope this turns out to be just a bug that goes away quickly. I'll be praying for you!

  9. I hope whatever is causing your stomach issues goes away very soon. I'll be praying that you'll be better in time for surgery

  10. Saying payers for you that this goes away in time for your surgery. Hoping you feel better soon. Hugs.

  11. I'm praying it all works out for you...I remember my dh getting sick before my surg and I worried I would get his stomach virus...I put it all in the Lord's hands and figured if it is meant to be...it will happen. Somethings are so out of our control....Ugh...frustrating I know. God bless and Lord willing everything will be fine. :)

  12. How are you feeling, JB? Any better?

  13. I'm really hoping you're feeling better since writing this post!! Having #2 issues that wont go away is very frustrating and tiring!!

    Thinking of you!!

  14. I'm sorry to hear that JElly belly!! Praying for you to feel much better!
