1 September 2009

One last kick at the can

So my classroom is set up and my first week of school is already planned (photocopied and everything!). I have never set up so quickly! I guess having three former students working all day on Thursday and then having two cousins help yesterday was the trick! I guess it also helps that I had set up a grade on classroom before and I wasn't stressed at all. Perhaps having major surgery puts things like classroom set up into perspective.

Yesterday was the first time since my operation that I didn't feel completely dead tired after doing stuff. My cousins and I worked until almost 6pm and didn't have any incision pain. Mind you a lot of the prep work that I had to do involved typing stuff at the computer and organizing paperwork. Any of the physical stuff I had to do I delegated to my helpers. I really hope that my little rolling stool is going to help with my energy level. If I recall the beginning of last year I lost almost 10 pounds from the increased activity level of teaching little kids.

Which brings me to a question: For those of you stage IV endo girls out there, how long did it take for the swelling in your abdomen to go down? My tummy is definitely still swollen and a little distended. When I touch my stomach it still feels tender on the inside and my incision is definitely still numb. Also, did any of you have any strange sensations while urinating? I know that I had endo removed from my bladder and most of the time when I pee it just feels strange. Also my urine is a bit cloudy. Should I be concerned?

I see my Napro doctor on the 24th so I'm going to have quite the long list of questions for her.

And I'm enjoying wearing the B.ella B.and that I bought. I love not having to do up my pants! Thank God that looser fitting tops are in fashion right now!

I better get my act together. I'm off to get a pedicure and then Mr. JB and I are going to the E.xhibition in the city. It's become an end of summer ritual and post-surgery or not, I'm not about to miss it!


  1. I had bloating for quite a long time - I'd have to check back on my blog to see when I started fastening my pants again. I had bladder and bowel pain (when full) up until the end of June, but no cloudiness or weird sensations while peeing.
    Any time you have these kind of surgeries, it's definitely good to take it as easy as possible for as long as possible. Your body is still doing a lot of internal healing even if you are feeling "recovered". Probably a good thing to have the rolling stool :).

    The stomach binder they gave me after this last surgery was definitely a life saver! I wish I would have thought of a bella band though, because the binder wasn't as comfortable sitting.

    Enjoy your pedicure!

  2. Okay, I should have specified that my last surgery was at the end of March, so the bladder pain lasted about 3 months.

  3. I had a sensation when peeing for a few months after my second surgery (kinda felt like I couldn't go as much as it seemed like I needed to) and I wasn't surprised at the time because I'd had endo removed from my bladder too. This time, though, it feels the same way and nothing was done to my bladder! I think it might have to do with the fact that you have to use muscles down there when you go and right now everything's sore. So I guess that makes sense.

    I don't remember about when the bloating went away, but I weighed 40 pounds more after my last surgery so now I feel like it's much more noticeable! I'm already way less bloated than I was last week, though, but I'm wondering why I seem to be more bloated on one side than the other! Hopefully that goes away!

    And my incision last time was numb up until I had it removed the other day! But I think mine was worst case scenario. My incision now isn't numb necessarily, but it has that feeling where it feels hard underneath. Know what I mean?

    That's great that you didn't feel tired yesterday!! I'm looking to you to see when I'll feel better! My recovery will probably even be quicker since you had much more done. Good luck starting school!

  4. Hope you are having fun at the Ex!

  5. hiya,
    Well 6 weeks was how long it took for things to go back to "normal" and I lost about 15 pounds because I so didn't want to eat anything for a long time. The belly swelling, exhaustion etc was all gone and I was 100% normal at the 6 week mark.
    Boy did it pain to pee for about a month!

    All this said I was 19 when I had my laparotomy so it is a bit fuzzy, I remember I had the surgery in the break between one term being over and the next starting (winter term ended and the summer courses started) and was fine within 2 weeks of school starting....
    hope you feel great soon.

  6. Congrats on having your room set up and all your plans done! Wow, you put me to shame. Even though we have two weeks to get ready this year, I am no where near ready. We have had so many meetings this year, it's crazy. I'm hoping to get a lot done today!

    Glad you're feeling better. Hope the healing continues. :)

  7. Oooh, I need to get me one of those Be.lla Ba.nds!! Sounds heavenly comfy!

    So glad you're all set up for the kiddos! They're gonna be sooooo cute that first day :) Awwww, now I'm jealous!
