2 May 2012

If you can't hope for yourself...

...lean on your friends.

I got a surprise from a friend in the mail. Something I needed on CD2 and after a bad day at work.

Thank you Patiently Waiting!


  1. How sweet! Great timing!

  2. I am 100% sure that if it weren't for friends I would be a horrible mess all of the time (instead of just some/most of the time).

    So glad you got the pick me up you needed.

    And I hate. hate. hate. that it is CD2! I was so hoping that your silence meant that beta was wonderfully wrong. Ugh! Sending lots of love your way.

  3. PW is so sweet! Praying for you JB. I know these days are so hard!

  4. She is so sweet and thoughtful, and God's timing is no coincidence. Aren't blogger friends the best?

  5. :-). Love that gal. And love you too!

  6. I am so glad you received it and the timing was appropriate. You will remain in my prayers. One day at a time. God has this all figured out and we just have to continue to trust. Trust me, I know how difficult that can be sometimes.

  7. This was so kind, you got love this blog community!!

  8. Love it, what a way to lift a girls spirits up, even on CD 2, which can be super harsh.

  9. I think you both are awesome!!!! I love how this blogger community lifts each other up!

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