14 November 2010

Surgery That I'm Actually Excited About

And of course, it has nothing to do with fertility.

My insurance is finally covering laser eye surgery! I've worn glasses since the eighth grade and I cannot wait to be able to live without glasses! So when we visited my optometrist a couple of weeks ago I told him that I was ready. He has been trying to convince me to have the surgery done, but I couldn't justify spending so much money out of pocket for an unnecessary procedure.

Of course he is 100% in favour of the operation. He has referred me to a clinic that he also works for (he does their aftercare) and he also said that if the doctors there decide that I am not a good candidate (which he doubts, my prescription has been the stable for years) they will not recommend surgery. To top it off he also gave me a gift card for $400 off of the procedure!

My consultation is on December 2nd and I've asked my mom to go with me (she offered to pay for laser eye surgery when I got into teachers' college, but I told her that I needed money for rent and books more!). She loves to be in the caretaker role and Dr. Nora recommended that I get "taken care of."  I also asked her to take the time off to take care of me.

Apparently I have to sleep for about 24 hours after the procedure then I have to wear huge, dark glasses so that the natural light doesn't touch my new eyes.

I am so excited. I figure that my surgeon is going to suggest another surgery for my ladyparts so I will most likely have two operations in 2011! Woohoo! [yes, I am being sarcastic!]


Thank you so much for your advice on my last post. The bleeding was very light for two days and I've seen none since Friday. I had no pain and I had no other symptoms. I'm going to see my Napro naturopath so hopefully she will give me some more insight. I'm going to have my Peak +7 blood work done (really, P+8, but the labs were closed today being Sunday). I know that Dr. Nora won't have the results, but hopefully it will tell Dr. T something.

Lastly, I am so glad that I will be F.emara-free for a couple of cycles. I've put on a bit of weight and I am not happy about it. I'm not a very big person (as those of you that have met me in person can attest to), and I've noticed that my pants are not fitting so comfortably. I know that weight gain is a side effect of Fe.mara, and that going off of it will dissipate the poundage.

Argh, gotta love IF!


  1. Side effect weight: not my friend. Not at all.

  2. Oh I'll be anxious to hear about your eye surgery. I am absolutely blind near/far without my contacts or glasses. To be able to wake up and not have to reach for glasses would be amazing! I can only imagine your excitement! Keep me updated.

  3. I've often wondered if I would be a good candidate for laser eye surgery. Hmmmmm...I am both near and far sighted. I wear both contacts and glasses. IT's funny but one of the 2nd graders told me that I look better w/o my glasses. Haa! So honest aren't they? Good luck with the surgery and keep us posted!

  4. wow, congrats on your upcoming laser eye surgery that is great! to do something for yourself! You've gained weight? gosh , you look the same to me! you see when i gain weight..it is very obvious!
    Enjoy the thoguht and reality of never having to wearing glasses anymore..i'm so jealous!

  5. How fabulous is the surgery! You are going to be a whole new person!!!

    Murray would love to get it done but his prescription goes up each year so not for him unfortunately.

  6. I've thought about. My RX is stable, but I just cannot bring myself to do the surgery. Not now. (Like I really need another doctor in my life.) But, I'll be cheering you on!

  7. My DH had that surgery and he started to wear glasses again maybe 2 years after....The only place he can get the surgery done again is back in PHX where he had it initiallly....

    He hates that he can NEVER wear contacts again because of the surgery....And he hates his glasses as well...I feel so sorry for him...

    Do you know the rate of those that have to wear glasses after x amount of years after surgery? I would check on that and I don't want to burst your bubble but I just wanted to let you know just incase....I don't know if he is the norm?

  8. Thx for the tips Sew! I will definitely bring up your questions when I go for my consultation in Dec. I know a couple of people that have had their eyes done at this clinic and neither one has to wear glasses (one girl had it done 5 years ago and hasn't had any issues). My eye doctor did say that I may have to wear glasses at night while driving on the highway. Not a bad trade off from having to wear glasses all the time!

  9. Good for you!!!!

    Ps...the first thing I thought when I read this was, "well...she's def going to have to get a new little profile picture!" priorities, I know! ;)

  10. To see or not to see (without glasses or contacts) - that is the question... sorry, I am in a corny mood. Can't wait to hear more about your consult for it. When I was in India we visited an eye clinic where they did them for $300 - I was tempted (ha!).

  11. I had lasik in late 2006 and it was the best. thing. ever. I can see!!! Even in the middle of the night! I still constantly test my eyes by reading signs down long hallways or seeing how quickly I can see the road markings. It's awesome, you'll love it :).
    My hubby paid for the surgery as our 6th anniversary present. I always joke that he gave me the gift of sight :).

  12. oh wow, that is exciting! i'd like to do this surgery too...but apparently I have super huge pupils and that's a no-no for laser surgery, so until then I'm waiting on better technology.
    how great it will be to just wake up and SEE!

  13. Exciting about the eye surgery! You will have to change your profile picture! ;)

  14. I love your glasses!!! but, I guess a little change would be nice to right? I have talked to many who have had this surgery and they all think it was the best thing they ever did. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  15. How's your laser eye surgery? I also want to get that treatment because my eyes have started to weaken and I have to rely on glasses now. We can't wait to see your good-looking pictures of you not wearing your glasses!

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