17 May 2010


I have never been so happy to be home on my couch.

Well, maybe not as happy as I was when I was discharged after the abscess incident, but I'm pretty tickled, nonetheless.

No one asked if I finished the entire bowel prep (I didn't there were two glasses and a bit still left in the bottle, but I was throwing up so badly that I just couldn't). I woke up at 5:30 to take the bottle of citro.mag and by the time I got to the hospital at 8:30 I was running clear.

This colonoscopy was much more pleasant than the last one I had. I was pretty sick when I was scoped the last time and I was so physically miserable that I felt like I was close to death. This morning was a different story. Aside from having to go to the bathroom more than usual, I was in pretty good spirits.

When I was wheeled into the room where the scope was to be done I was pretty relaxed and the most painful thing was getting the IV started. I asked the nurse if I was going to be asleep, but she didn't think I was going to be. I got to keep my glasses on which was cool since I got to watch the entire thing!

I know, pretty gross, but cool at the same time.

I have gotten a look at my insides before (and then I fell asleep), but this time it was so different! Everything looked healthy and not red and inflamed. My doctor was pretty happy. She did remove some polyps to test and she told me that I would have some bleeding, but not to worry. The entire procedure took about 15 minutes. I have to follow up with her in a couple of weeks.

Mr. JB went out to get me a treat at the 'bucks and some Pad Thai. He's getting some Mc.D's for himself and he promised to get me some fries (one of my biggest weaknesses in life are Mc.D's french fries!!).

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. It was a pretty miserable night last night, but now that it's over I'm so relieved. I just hope that gastroenterologist has some good news for me!!!


  1. Yah, it is over!! Praying for great results!

    I love mcd's fries too, a huge weakness for me ;) So much of a weakness, that it was one of the things we gave up for Lent. hahaha!

  2. so glad it went well. I hope you get great results. Pad Thai sounds great!

  3. Yay! Thank God it's over and went well! Enjoy the fries :)

  4. Mmmm, Pad Thai. I could eat it every night- darn my stupid rice sensitivity!!!

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