I'm thinking that the title of my post is pretty self-explanatory.
We had designs on going to the C.anadian N.ational E.xhibition today, but my head is not cooperating. I felt pretty good this morning, but as the day has progressed my headache has just gotten worse. I seem to recall that when I got my first dose of the lovely L.upron that I had the same issues with getting annoying headaches, which are only made worse by cloudy weather.
I'm so glad that I didn't get this dose of the lovely L.upron in July when the weather was just horrible and rainy!
It also doesn't help that we've had quite the day trying to figure out the guest room bed.
You see, I had the bright idea of salvaging a bed from my neighbour's garbage. It looked great -- a double brass bed with the bed rails were just sitting there waiting for the garbage pick up. We had just promised our guest room furniture to a needy family in the neighbourhood (a single dad, with four girls under the age of 10!). The furniture was taken away in mid-July and Mr. JB took his sweet time painting the brass bed white (it was a bit rusty, don't worry, I wasn't being heartless!).
So this morning I decided that the bed had to be assembled because my cousins will be staying with us tonight (the girls are going to be helping me at school tomorrow). We soon discovered that the metal bed frame was for an extra long bed. Who knew? We tried to reconfigure the frame, but there was no way around the extra six inches at the end. So we admitted defeat and went to the local thrift store to see if they had anything (they didn't). Lucky for us a mattress store was just across the street. So for $101 we bought a brand new adjustable bed frame.
Mr. JB is trying his best to put it together which has proven to be difficult since he is the most un-handy man in the universe! I had to figure out how to put the frame together! The thing that I find the most frustrating is that when he gets frustrated the job instantly becomes impossible. I really wish that I was in better physical shape. I would've just put it together on my own, but I'm just not up to it.
I've got to lie down again. The girls are going to be here in the next hour or so and I need to rest!
My journey to stay hopeful in my quest for baby JellyBelly
30 August 2009
27 August 2009
One tired girl
So I put in my first full day of work since the end of the school year and I am completely wiped. I do have to say that I had a very productive day. My classroom was used for summer literacy camp so I had to put everything away at the end of the year. I am very happy to say that my room was just the way that I left it.
I love returning to my classroom after the summer vacation. The caretakers emptied it and polished and waxed the floors. I only wish that my floor could stay that shiny all year round!
I had three former students that are about to start the 10th grade help me out. These girls were stellar as students and they were an incredible help. I have one bulletin board up, all of my groups set up and they distributed all of the school supplies that I'm giving out (pencil, eraser, glue stick and homework folder). They also labelled duotangs and helped me sort through some books. It was great to have them lift things for me. Primary sized desks are pretty light, but I really didn't want to strain myself unnecessarily.
It was great to hang out with the three of them. The girls caught me up on all of the gossip and one of them said that she learned so much from my class. They also mentioned that they were pretty upset at their grade 7 and 8 teacher (she was the one on my old staff that ALWAYS talked about being pregnant, see this if you want a refresher) because she didn't prepare them for high school. I tried to hide my delight at what the girls were saying, but I felt such joy at hearing their complaints. I guess I should be pretty flattered that the girls sought me out to ask if they could help me. They do have to complete 40 hours of community service hours in order to graduate, so we were helping one another out, but it was truly a pleasure to be with them today.
By the end of the day my incision was really starting to hurt. I did buy a knock off B.ella B.and, but it still doesn't provide enough holding power. I think that I'm going to have to buy a support from e.Bay since I can't seem to find one anywhere near my house. I even checked the local hospital pharmacy and it didn't carry anything!
Btw, my workshop went really well yesterday. The attendance was higher than anticipated and according to the feedback forms, we did really well. I had to rush through the portions I was responsible for because we were low on time. I think that if we do the workshop again that we're going to need two days. We didn't have a lot of hands on time and I know from experience that I would appreciate doing stuff rather than listening! My former teaching partner was annoying as usual. She was the only one that didn't speak French! The workshop was called, "Welcome to French Immersion." She's so dumb. I'm so glad that I don't have to work with her.
I'm feeling a little sad that the summer is wrapping up. We're going to head to my fertile best friend's cottage next Friday so we can get one last relaxing weekend in. I really hope that I feel well enough to kayak. I don't think that swimming is in the cards for me, but I need some sort of water sport!
I have a feeling that the first couple of weeks of school are going to take a lot out of me. I'm so glad that the first two weeks are short weeks and the third week of school I have an appointment with my Napro doctor so I'll take that entire day off. I'm so glad that I bought a rolling stool for my room! I rolled around the room to test it out today and I think that it's going to work quite well.
It's not even 9pm and I'm going to get ready for bed. I don't think there's going to be any late night TV for me tonight!
I love returning to my classroom after the summer vacation. The caretakers emptied it and polished and waxed the floors. I only wish that my floor could stay that shiny all year round!
I had three former students that are about to start the 10th grade help me out. These girls were stellar as students and they were an incredible help. I have one bulletin board up, all of my groups set up and they distributed all of the school supplies that I'm giving out (pencil, eraser, glue stick and homework folder). They also labelled duotangs and helped me sort through some books. It was great to have them lift things for me. Primary sized desks are pretty light, but I really didn't want to strain myself unnecessarily.
It was great to hang out with the three of them. The girls caught me up on all of the gossip and one of them said that she learned so much from my class. They also mentioned that they were pretty upset at their grade 7 and 8 teacher (she was the one on my old staff that ALWAYS talked about being pregnant, see this if you want a refresher) because she didn't prepare them for high school. I tried to hide my delight at what the girls were saying, but I felt such joy at hearing their complaints. I guess I should be pretty flattered that the girls sought me out to ask if they could help me. They do have to complete 40 hours of community service hours in order to graduate, so we were helping one another out, but it was truly a pleasure to be with them today.
By the end of the day my incision was really starting to hurt. I did buy a knock off B.ella B.and, but it still doesn't provide enough holding power. I think that I'm going to have to buy a support from e.Bay since I can't seem to find one anywhere near my house. I even checked the local hospital pharmacy and it didn't carry anything!
Btw, my workshop went really well yesterday. The attendance was higher than anticipated and according to the feedback forms, we did really well. I had to rush through the portions I was responsible for because we were low on time. I think that if we do the workshop again that we're going to need two days. We didn't have a lot of hands on time and I know from experience that I would appreciate doing stuff rather than listening! My former teaching partner was annoying as usual. She was the only one that didn't speak French! The workshop was called, "Welcome to French Immersion." She's so dumb. I'm so glad that I don't have to work with her.
I'm feeling a little sad that the summer is wrapping up. We're going to head to my fertile best friend's cottage next Friday so we can get one last relaxing weekend in. I really hope that I feel well enough to kayak. I don't think that swimming is in the cards for me, but I need some sort of water sport!
I have a feeling that the first couple of weeks of school are going to take a lot out of me. I'm so glad that the first two weeks are short weeks and the third week of school I have an appointment with my Napro doctor so I'll take that entire day off. I'm so glad that I bought a rolling stool for my room! I rolled around the room to test it out today and I think that it's going to work quite well.
It's not even 9pm and I'm going to get ready for bed. I don't think there's going to be any late night TV for me tonight!
25 August 2009
I'm feeling a little pressure to get my act together.
I'm three weeks post-op and feeling pretty good. I even made potato and leek soup yesterday (with Mr. JB peeling the potatoes)! I even drove myself to the naturopath today.
I don't know if it has to do with recovery or just laziness, but I have no desire to even think about going back to work. It doesn't help that I have to help give a workshop tomorrow. I really shouldn't worry since I'm talking about teaching grade one French immersion. I'm responsible for talking about the Math, Religion and Family Life curricula. I don't really stress out about all things teaching, especially since the three things that I have to talk about have really good teacher manuals.
I'm starting to feel a little bit anxious about going back to work. Although my energy levels have steadily been improving, I'm worried that I may be overdoing it. By September 8th I will be 5 weeks post-op. I bought a stool with wheels from I.kea last week so I don't have to walk between the groups of kids. I also know that if I'm subdued that the kids will be as well. Perhaps it will be a blessing in disguise that I'm going to be a little low on energy! I'm thinking that I may have to take some sick days in order to cope with the transition.
Then again, when I took the almost two weeks off for my last surgery I felt like I was going to lose my mind! Maybe being with the kiddies will help with my recovery. I do have to admit that I am starting to get excited about the new school year, I just have to get back into work mode.
I am noticing a few good things since my surgery. I haven't started back on the supplements that my naturopath prescribed me and I've been feeling pretty good. The biggest improvement is my digestion. I suspect that a lot of my colitis issues were going to be resolved with my surgery, and I have noticed such a difference. I even made my potato and leek soup with butter yesterday and I felt fine! I didn't even take any digestive enzymes!
My naturopath and I talked about her plans for my treatment once I get my period. She wants to continue with the liver cleanse that she put me on since I was on pretty heavy duty medications in the hospital. I don't think that I've ever been that drugged in my entire life! Before surgery I would only take painkillers when absolutely necessary. I haven't taken any of the prescription stuff in a while, but I have had to take A.dvil here and there. So Dr. A wants me to take flax seed and Evening Primrose Oil to help with egg development and my uterine lining.
I never thought that I would ever think this, but I can't wait until I get my period! I don't think that I've ever anticipated my period this much since before I started puberty! It will be interesting to see how much pain I will have. And yes, there's that TTC business that we can start...
One last thing: my massage therapist told me about a new organic grocery store not too far from my house and we went yesterday. I was like a kid in a candy store! There were so many gluten-free products! I even got gluten-free cinnamon buns! It wasn't cheap, but I got so many things that I could eat. It was cheaper than our local organic market and their selection was incredible. Not as great as the grocery store that Living Advent and I went to, but pretty close!
p.s. I've been searching high and low for some sort of compression bandage that I can put on my incision. I found something at the pharmacy where I picked up my last dose of L.upron, but I assumed (wrong) that I could find something at one of my local pharmacies. My mom brought me some supportive underwear, but it still doesn't have enough support. Do any of you have any advice of what I can use? I think that I may invest in a B.ella B.and, but I'm not feeling too happy about going to a maternity store to get one.
I'm three weeks post-op and feeling pretty good. I even made potato and leek soup yesterday (with Mr. JB peeling the potatoes)! I even drove myself to the naturopath today.
I don't know if it has to do with recovery or just laziness, but I have no desire to even think about going back to work. It doesn't help that I have to help give a workshop tomorrow. I really shouldn't worry since I'm talking about teaching grade one French immersion. I'm responsible for talking about the Math, Religion and Family Life curricula. I don't really stress out about all things teaching, especially since the three things that I have to talk about have really good teacher manuals.
I'm starting to feel a little bit anxious about going back to work. Although my energy levels have steadily been improving, I'm worried that I may be overdoing it. By September 8th I will be 5 weeks post-op. I bought a stool with wheels from I.kea last week so I don't have to walk between the groups of kids. I also know that if I'm subdued that the kids will be as well. Perhaps it will be a blessing in disguise that I'm going to be a little low on energy! I'm thinking that I may have to take some sick days in order to cope with the transition.
Then again, when I took the almost two weeks off for my last surgery I felt like I was going to lose my mind! Maybe being with the kiddies will help with my recovery. I do have to admit that I am starting to get excited about the new school year, I just have to get back into work mode.
I am noticing a few good things since my surgery. I haven't started back on the supplements that my naturopath prescribed me and I've been feeling pretty good. The biggest improvement is my digestion. I suspect that a lot of my colitis issues were going to be resolved with my surgery, and I have noticed such a difference. I even made my potato and leek soup with butter yesterday and I felt fine! I didn't even take any digestive enzymes!
My naturopath and I talked about her plans for my treatment once I get my period. She wants to continue with the liver cleanse that she put me on since I was on pretty heavy duty medications in the hospital. I don't think that I've ever been that drugged in my entire life! Before surgery I would only take painkillers when absolutely necessary. I haven't taken any of the prescription stuff in a while, but I have had to take A.dvil here and there. So Dr. A wants me to take flax seed and Evening Primrose Oil to help with egg development and my uterine lining.
I never thought that I would ever think this, but I can't wait until I get my period! I don't think that I've ever anticipated my period this much since before I started puberty! It will be interesting to see how much pain I will have. And yes, there's that TTC business that we can start...
One last thing: my massage therapist told me about a new organic grocery store not too far from my house and we went yesterday. I was like a kid in a candy store! There were so many gluten-free products! I even got gluten-free cinnamon buns! It wasn't cheap, but I got so many things that I could eat. It was cheaper than our local organic market and their selection was incredible. Not as great as the grocery store that Living Advent and I went to, but pretty close!
p.s. I've been searching high and low for some sort of compression bandage that I can put on my incision. I found something at the pharmacy where I picked up my last dose of L.upron, but I assumed (wrong) that I could find something at one of my local pharmacies. My mom brought me some supportive underwear, but it still doesn't have enough support. Do any of you have any advice of what I can use? I think that I may invest in a B.ella B.and, but I'm not feeling too happy about going to a maternity store to get one.
21 August 2009
Yet another reason why I'm gluten-free
I think that I had a good day.
Great, in fact.
I went to the doctor and despite the 45 minute wait in the craziest waiting room in the Greater Toronto Area, I had a great post-op visit. I got my last L.upron shot and it was virtually painless -- yet another reason why my doctor rocks!!! I should get my first period in about six to eight weeks. My doc wants to see me after my first period and he seems 100% confident that we will be able to conceive. He even gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins! I'm definitely on my way!
I spent the afternoon hanging out in one of my work friend's backyard. The two other grade one teachers and the former grade four teacher (who is now my neighbour) chatted the afternoon away. Don't worry we didn't talk about work too much! She has the most gorgeous home and an even more beautiful yard. We sat under her covered patio and snacked and listened to the waterfall falling into her swimming pool. It was the perfect afternoon with fantastic company.
Unfortunately silly me was tempted by the delicious bruschetta. She had some rice chips and veggies to snack on so it wasn't like I was starving. But then she brought out the tasty bruschetta and I couldn't resist.
By the time that we left around dinner time I had the makings of a migraine starting. When my friend dropped me off I could feel the pain that I know all too well. Mr. JB got the A.dvil and he massaged my head a bit and I proceeded to sleep for four hours straight. I didn't have dinner and Mr. JB ended up hanging out in the new basement so I could rest on the living room couch. When I woke up around midnight (which explains why I'm posting at 1am!) I was hungry and kinda uncomfortable since I fell asleep in my clothes.
When I woke up I tried to figure out where the heck the migraine came from. It was the same kind of migraine that I get when I eat something with eggs (one of my most severe allergies). The only trigger that I could think of was the piece of bread that I had this afternoon. I didn't finish the entire piece of bruschetta and I still suffered!
I will never be tempted by regular bread again!
I better get to bed. I'm meeting LifeHopes for lunch tomorrow! I've found a gluten-free bakery close to the restaurant that I found. I'm so excited!
p.s. The last dose of L.upron was only a fraction of the cost of the big needle. It was only $436, not like the $1202 I spent on the last one. Thank God for insurance!!
Great, in fact.
I went to the doctor and despite the 45 minute wait in the craziest waiting room in the Greater Toronto Area, I had a great post-op visit. I got my last L.upron shot and it was virtually painless -- yet another reason why my doctor rocks!!! I should get my first period in about six to eight weeks. My doc wants to see me after my first period and he seems 100% confident that we will be able to conceive. He even gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins! I'm definitely on my way!
I spent the afternoon hanging out in one of my work friend's backyard. The two other grade one teachers and the former grade four teacher (who is now my neighbour) chatted the afternoon away. Don't worry we didn't talk about work too much! She has the most gorgeous home and an even more beautiful yard. We sat under her covered patio and snacked and listened to the waterfall falling into her swimming pool. It was the perfect afternoon with fantastic company.
Unfortunately silly me was tempted by the delicious bruschetta. She had some rice chips and veggies to snack on so it wasn't like I was starving. But then she brought out the tasty bruschetta and I couldn't resist.
By the time that we left around dinner time I had the makings of a migraine starting. When my friend dropped me off I could feel the pain that I know all too well. Mr. JB got the A.dvil and he massaged my head a bit and I proceeded to sleep for four hours straight. I didn't have dinner and Mr. JB ended up hanging out in the new basement so I could rest on the living room couch. When I woke up around midnight (which explains why I'm posting at 1am!) I was hungry and kinda uncomfortable since I fell asleep in my clothes.
When I woke up I tried to figure out where the heck the migraine came from. It was the same kind of migraine that I get when I eat something with eggs (one of my most severe allergies). The only trigger that I could think of was the piece of bread that I had this afternoon. I didn't finish the entire piece of bruschetta and I still suffered!
I will never be tempted by regular bread again!
I better get to bed. I'm meeting LifeHopes for lunch tomorrow! I've found a gluten-free bakery close to the restaurant that I found. I'm so excited!
p.s. The last dose of L.upron was only a fraction of the cost of the big needle. It was only $436, not like the $1202 I spent on the last one. Thank God for insurance!!
20 August 2009
So I'm sixteen days post-op and I'm pretty surprised at how good I'm feeling.
Well, let me qualify that.
I went to the movies yesterday (you have to see the T.ime T.raveler's W.ife!!!!). It is one of my favourite books and I was so happy with the movie adaptation. The last time I read the book I blogged about it here. It seems as though the two movies that I have seen in the recent past have both dealt with infertility. Both of the books were a little more overt, but the themes were there nonetheless.
So after the movies my girlfriend and I did a little shopping. She just bought a house in my neighbourhood and she's all excited about finding furniture and I was more than happy to go with her on her hunt. There's only so much lying around a girl can do! I was out for almost five hours and I didn't collapse in a heap on the couch when I got home.
My mom came over today to help me reorganize the linen closet. It was an absolute disaster and I knew that she would enjoy the project. My mother is more than a little compulsive when it comes to her linens. The lady irons her pillow cases and sheets for goodness sake! She also irons my dad's underwear and their tea towels. But that is besides the point. I was pretty pooped after the linen closet was finished and I spent most of the afternoon snoozing on the couch while she ironed Mr. JB's shirts for school. I wish that I inherited her love of ironing, but she is happiest when she's pressing clothes!
So tomorrow we're heading into the city to see my surgeon. I'm getting the last dose of L.upron which thankfully will only be a fraction of the cost of the last needle. I really hope that it doesn't hurt as much as the last one! I'm really curious to talk to my doctor more in depth about my surgery. My incision has not been as painful since I started the castor oil packs on Monday. I really hope that the packs will help with the scarring.
One last thing: We had some crazy weather tonight! At around 6pm we got some tornado warnings north of where we live. Apparently one person died because of the tornado! When the warning changed and included our city Mr. JB and I headed down to the basement. I couldn't believe how hard the rain was coming down and the lightning was nuts! I am so glad that the bad weather passed us by. I have no idea how people live in areas where tornadoes are common!
Well, let me qualify that.
I went to the movies yesterday (you have to see the T.ime T.raveler's W.ife!!!!). It is one of my favourite books and I was so happy with the movie adaptation. The last time I read the book I blogged about it here. It seems as though the two movies that I have seen in the recent past have both dealt with infertility. Both of the books were a little more overt, but the themes were there nonetheless.
So after the movies my girlfriend and I did a little shopping. She just bought a house in my neighbourhood and she's all excited about finding furniture and I was more than happy to go with her on her hunt. There's only so much lying around a girl can do! I was out for almost five hours and I didn't collapse in a heap on the couch when I got home.
My mom came over today to help me reorganize the linen closet. It was an absolute disaster and I knew that she would enjoy the project. My mother is more than a little compulsive when it comes to her linens. The lady irons her pillow cases and sheets for goodness sake! She also irons my dad's underwear and their tea towels. But that is besides the point. I was pretty pooped after the linen closet was finished and I spent most of the afternoon snoozing on the couch while she ironed Mr. JB's shirts for school. I wish that I inherited her love of ironing, but she is happiest when she's pressing clothes!
So tomorrow we're heading into the city to see my surgeon. I'm getting the last dose of L.upron which thankfully will only be a fraction of the cost of the last needle. I really hope that it doesn't hurt as much as the last one! I'm really curious to talk to my doctor more in depth about my surgery. My incision has not been as painful since I started the castor oil packs on Monday. I really hope that the packs will help with the scarring.
One last thing: We had some crazy weather tonight! At around 6pm we got some tornado warnings north of where we live. Apparently one person died because of the tornado! When the warning changed and included our city Mr. JB and I headed down to the basement. I couldn't believe how hard the rain was coming down and the lightning was nuts! I am so glad that the bad weather passed us by. I have no idea how people live in areas where tornadoes are common!
16 August 2009
My "Busy" Life

If look really carefully you can see that I got a manicure yesterday. It was a pretty big deal since I had an 11:30am appointment at the nail salon! The lady that prettied up my hands and feet talked me into getting a flower design on my big toes. I'm a pretty low-fi kinda girl so the flowers are quite hilarious, but she did a really good job.
Our travel buddies from last summer came by and dropped off some JellyBelly friendly foods. We are so blessed to have such good friends! My friend J, had a laparotomy when she was 16 to remove endo, cysts and adhesions. I didn't know until I e-mailed her after she announced her pregnancy. She was quite surprised that they didn't have to try for longer since she had so much difficulty so early in her life. It's been great to have her support through the surgery and I absolutely love her cooking!
So yesterday afternoon Mr. JB and I decided to go to the movies. I've been feeling a little cabin fever and I convinced my hubs to see Julie & Julia. I finished J.ulie P.owell's book last week and I was pretty excited to get out. Being someone that absolutely loves eating, especially French food, I thought the movie was great. There was a very touching scene where Julia finds out that her newly married sister was expecting. J.ulia child didn't get married until she was 34 and she never had any children. It was obvious during the early scenes of the movie that she did want to be a mother, but it just didn't happen. My eyes brimmed with tears as J.ulia started to cry about how happy she was for her sister.
The one thing that bothered me about the movie is that they didn't mention J.ulie P.owell's PCOS. Her book starts out with her talking about her "condition" but there wasn't any mention of it. As far as I know she still is childless (at least that's what I came up with when I did my internet search). I guess the modern-day IF slant wasn't catchy in the focus groups!
So I haven't left the house today. I did feel quite guilty this morning about not going to mass. It's our month to usher and I just can't handle all of the standing and sitting. My BIL made a joke about how if I could go to the movies that I could go to church. I totally took it the wrong way and I was quite upset. Mr. JB felt very guilty that he even mentioned it to me since I've been uber-sensitive lately. I was hoping that my BIL would just come over and say mass, but he had just gotten home from NYC and he was exhausted.
God understands, right?
So we're off to my fertile best friend's place for our annual K.entucky F.ried C.hicken dinner. Mr. JB and S look forward to it every year. I have to admit that the grease grosses me out, but we do this once a summer. I convinced Mr. JB to get some corn so at least there will be something healthy on the table!
I wonder now that the endo is all gone if my tummy will behave. I did have some of Mr. JB's nachos and cheese at the movies yesterday and it didn't bother me one bit! I guess if the K.FC doesn't have me running to the bathroom, I'll have part of my answer!
14 August 2009
Small victories
So I've been home for a week and I was brave enough to go out and do some stuff today.
I did take a lot longer than I thought to get the gumption to get dressed and off of the couch, but I didn't take any pain meds before we left.
So here was my big afternoon:
1) Went to the drug store to get some face lotion with SPF. My almost full bottle went MIA somewhere between my trip south and my stay at the hospital.
2) Went to the library to return books and pick up some new ones. I had to wait a ridiculously long time to check out because the woman ahead of us was insisting that she did not take out a DVD that was overdue on her account. Yeah right lady!
3) Went to S.tarbucks for a treat. I thought that I would be able to get out of the car and order for myself, but I sent Mr. JB in without me. I was just too tired and hot after accomplishing #1 and #2.
So tomorrow I'm going for a mani/pedi. I have a gift certificate from a former student that expired at the end of June, but the nice lady at the salon said that she would honour it. I'm in definite need of some pampering!
I'm excited 'cos My Reality is coming over to watch girlie movies with me. Mr. JB has been fun to hang out with, but he'd rather watch sports.
Oh yeah, I've only taken pain meds once today. Woohoo!
I did take a lot longer than I thought to get the gumption to get dressed and off of the couch, but I didn't take any pain meds before we left.
So here was my big afternoon:
1) Went to the drug store to get some face lotion with SPF. My almost full bottle went MIA somewhere between my trip south and my stay at the hospital.
2) Went to the library to return books and pick up some new ones. I had to wait a ridiculously long time to check out because the woman ahead of us was insisting that she did not take out a DVD that was overdue on her account. Yeah right lady!
3) Went to S.tarbucks for a treat. I thought that I would be able to get out of the car and order for myself, but I sent Mr. JB in without me. I was just too tired and hot after accomplishing #1 and #2.
So tomorrow I'm going for a mani/pedi. I have a gift certificate from a former student that expired at the end of June, but the nice lady at the salon said that she would honour it. I'm in definite need of some pampering!
I'm excited 'cos My Reality is coming over to watch girlie movies with me. Mr. JB has been fun to hang out with, but he'd rather watch sports.
Oh yeah, I've only taken pain meds once today. Woohoo!
13 August 2009
Nine days post-op **Updated
I'm still really surprised at how good I'm feeling. Perhaps it was because I was expecting the worst. Or perhaps it's because I had such horrible gas pains in the hospital that I thought was a heart attack that I feel good in comparison. Or perhaps it's because I've been trying to walk as much as possible in my little house. Or perhaps it's because I'm in pretty good shape and that I prepared my body for the surgery with the help of my naturopath and the (not so) evil L.upron.
I have no idea why I'm doing so well, but I am so grateful.
I haven't been taking as much pain medication as I was when I first got home. I hardly have any oxy.codone left and I'm taking the anti-inflammatory twice a day as prescribed. I haven't even used my heating pad on my belly today. Getting up and down from the couch is getting easier and I got out of bed with little effort this morning.
I've been entertaining visitors pretty much every day. It's a great way to break up the napping and TV watching. It's pretty sad that I know the entire television line-up! I've also been able to read. One of my girlfriends brought me a whole bunch of trashy magazines and I also have quite a few subscriptions. I just finished J.ulie & J.ulia and I can't wait to see the movie. The book talked about artichokes so much that I had to send Mr. JB to the grocery store to get me some! Lucky for me preparing steamed artichokes is pretty simple and so tasty!
I'm planning on my first outing tomorrow. My books are due at the library and I think that I can make the short trip. The public library that we go to is very close to our house and it isn't very big. I also have a very slim chance at running into people that we know there, although our parish priest is a big library supporter. Mr. JB went to church on his own last Sunday and he told only one person about my surgery. Our priest was being monopolized by a parishioner and Mr. JB wanted to get to the grocery store before coming home. I hope that I'll be up to going to church on Sunday. I always feel so guilty when I don't go even though I know that I have a pretty good excuse.
My biggest task this evening is removing the steri-strips that the nurse put on my incision. I was hoping that they would fall off in the shower, but I've been super gentle on my lower abdomen since coming home. It's so numb that it almost feels like I'm not touching my tummy when I am. I just have to grit my teeth and do it, but I'm feeling so squeamish and I don't want to hurt myself.
I'm pretty pooped. I'm going to take a little nap before dinner! Really, I think that even if I didn't have surgery that I would be doing just about the same thing!
Update: I just removed the steri-strips in the shower. I missed two and I had to take them off when I was out of the shower. It was the strangest feeling EVER! I wonder how much feeling I will regain in the area once I'm healed. I took a quick peek at my incision in the mirror and I felt just a bit nauseous.
I think that I'm going to re-start the castor oil packs tomorrow. Although my surgeon did an amazing job and the incision is low and perfectly straight, I want to minimize scarring as much as I can.
I'm so glad that it didn't hurt!!!
I have no idea why I'm doing so well, but I am so grateful.
I haven't been taking as much pain medication as I was when I first got home. I hardly have any oxy.codone left and I'm taking the anti-inflammatory twice a day as prescribed. I haven't even used my heating pad on my belly today. Getting up and down from the couch is getting easier and I got out of bed with little effort this morning.
I've been entertaining visitors pretty much every day. It's a great way to break up the napping and TV watching. It's pretty sad that I know the entire television line-up! I've also been able to read. One of my girlfriends brought me a whole bunch of trashy magazines and I also have quite a few subscriptions. I just finished J.ulie & J.ulia and I can't wait to see the movie. The book talked about artichokes so much that I had to send Mr. JB to the grocery store to get me some! Lucky for me preparing steamed artichokes is pretty simple and so tasty!
I'm planning on my first outing tomorrow. My books are due at the library and I think that I can make the short trip. The public library that we go to is very close to our house and it isn't very big. I also have a very slim chance at running into people that we know there, although our parish priest is a big library supporter. Mr. JB went to church on his own last Sunday and he told only one person about my surgery. Our priest was being monopolized by a parishioner and Mr. JB wanted to get to the grocery store before coming home. I hope that I'll be up to going to church on Sunday. I always feel so guilty when I don't go even though I know that I have a pretty good excuse.
My biggest task this evening is removing the steri-strips that the nurse put on my incision. I was hoping that they would fall off in the shower, but I've been super gentle on my lower abdomen since coming home. It's so numb that it almost feels like I'm not touching my tummy when I am. I just have to grit my teeth and do it, but I'm feeling so squeamish and I don't want to hurt myself.
I'm pretty pooped. I'm going to take a little nap before dinner! Really, I think that even if I didn't have surgery that I would be doing just about the same thing!
Update: I just removed the steri-strips in the shower. I missed two and I had to take them off when I was out of the shower. It was the strangest feeling EVER! I wonder how much feeling I will regain in the area once I'm healed. I took a quick peek at my incision in the mirror and I felt just a bit nauseous.
I think that I'm going to re-start the castor oil packs tomorrow. Although my surgeon did an amazing job and the incision is low and perfectly straight, I want to minimize scarring as much as I can.
I'm so glad that it didn't hurt!!!
10 August 2009
Five years ago today

August 10, 2004.
The day that Mr. JB proposed. I made him ask me twice because I was in so much shock.
Let me set the stage: I had just gotten home from helping my oldest friend (who was also my matron of honour) plan her daughter's baptism. We had a date to watch the A.mazing R.ace at my apartment and I was concerned that he was late. Mr. JB didn't have a cell phone (and he didn't get one until a year into our marriage) so I couldn't call him. He arrived five minutes into the show and he walked in with a bunch of flowers. He sat down on the couch beside me and had me open the paper and the ring box was on top.
I opened the box and almost lost my mind. He got down on one knee and asked for my hand in marriage and I started to scream. I think that I put the ring on my finger, but then I told him to ask me again because I didn't remember the first proposal.
Obviously I said yes. And when it sunk in I called the friend who I was helping and her sister (who was living with her at the time) answered the phone and we screamed and jumped up and down. I called a whole bunch of people and e-mailed some other friends. I was so giddy with excitement that I could barely contain myself.
Mr. JB, along with the dozen red roses, brought me some really good pepperoni and champagne. The pepperoni was kind of a joke between us. I used to have an addiction to H.ot R.ods (really salty pepperoni sticks that kids like) and he wanted to show me what the real stuff tasted like.
We've been through a lot in the past five years. My latest surgery aside, we've been through a few really bad colitis flares, buying a house, being inexplicably infertile then getting my endo diagnosed, his brother moving to Italy then moving back home, home renovations, the list is endless. I know that his commitment to me is so strong -- he's taken care of me through every illness with little complaint. I've been really demanding since coming home Friday and he just rolls with it.
Speaking of coming home. I was so absolutely exhausted that I slept most of Friday. The ride home was crazy bumpy and even though I was kitted out with a good pillow for my belly. I had no idea how bad the roads were until then! I was so wiped out that I couldn't even muster the energy to shower until Saturday morning. One of my girlfriends came to hang out with me while Mr. JB went grocery shopping. While I was in the hospital Mr. JB and his brother were surviving on take out -- something that we NEVER do when I'm healthy. It was great to have K around and she brought me some trashy magazines.
I had a really good night's sleep on Saturday, but I woke up on Sunday with some bad incision pain so Mr. JB had to bring me my pain meds in bed. I've been drinking a meal replacement drink in the mornings so I can take my medication and it's been really helping. Sunday afternoon my mom and one of my aunts came by. They didn't stay for very long because my aunt wanted to go shopping (this aunt doesn't drive so she really depends on my mom). I was kind of ticked because I could tell that my mom wanted to stay and tend to me.
Btw, my mom has been great since my surgery. We've had such a tumultuous relationship, but now that she has a particular task (i.e. taking care of me) she's totally in her element. She even apologized for not being at my house to shower me on Saturday! She's taken three weeks of holidays so she can come over and take care of me. She's already planned to work on my garden and iron our clothes! I wish she could be like this when I'm feeling strong and confident, but it's obvious to me that she has a hard time feeling useful in my life. I'm not a needy person when I'm not recovering from surgery, so I know that it's hard for her since she's a very nurturing person.
Anyhow, after my mom and aunt left a couple of hours passed and then ELEVEN family members showed up. I had requested one of my other aunt's fantastic won ton soup. I didn't expect it to show up this past weekend, but my aunt took the request seriously and dropped it by yesterday. I had missed a couple of family parties so my aunts, uncles and cousins decided to bring some of the party to me! It was great to see them, but I was pretty wiped out by the time they left.
Mr. JB laughed when they left that they seem to travel in packs. They did the same thing when we were getting ready for our wedding. Again, my family is really good when they're given a task. I'm sure if I were to call my mom and request food, a whole bunch of people will show up with enough provisions to feed a family of ten! I guess it's one of the perks of having a huge extended family.
So I'm feeling pretty good today. I finished my entire lunch today and I feel my appetite coming back. I've been feeling less incision pain, but that may be because I've been keeping ahead of it with the medication. And yes, I'm on oxycodone, not oxycontin! The doctor also gave me some N.aprocin (sp?) as an anti-inflammatory. I was also told to take a stool softener since the business has been slowed down by the meds and the surgery. I didn't take it last night because I thought that I would be okay, but I will not make that mistake again!!! My insides feel pretty raw and I think that I can feel where the endo was removed. My pelvis feels like it was scraped pretty well and whenever I pee my bladder just feels weird (the doctor did remove endo from my bladder too).
I think I'm going to work on going outside to my backyard tomorrow. I've been working on going back upstairs for my shower for the past hour. Mr. JB still has to help me get my bottoms on and putting lotion on my legs is nearly impossible. Small victories, right?
I'm starting to feel more energy to read and comment on your blogs. I don't want to bother Mr. JB with reading and commenting on your blogs for me anymore. He did a good job while I was in the hospital, but I'm ready to take that responsibility away from him. The poor guy is doing enough!
I want to thank all of you for all of your prayers and comments in the past week. You've helped me get through one of the hardest things that I've had to in our journey towards our baby. I feel so hopeful now. I haven't felt like this since we first got married and I had no idea what our issues were. I haven't felt positive in so long and it has to do with all of your support -- especially the amazing ladies that I met two weekends ago. I felt your prayers lift me up and even though so many of you are so far away, I knew you were with me in that scary hospital room. It's great to know that I have an army of strong women that are behind me. Take that endo!!!!
6 August 2009
Just Saw The Doctor
Hello All,
The doctor came in minutes ago to tell us that all went well. All of the endo has been removed but JB will be on the L.upron for one more month. He wants her to stay on it to prevent a recurrence. Because of the L.upron treatment the endo was dry and easier to remove. He put i.nterceed wherever he found the endo. He removed (not drained) the cysts. He also removed three fibroids.
The stitches will dissolve and JB can begin treating the scar immediately.
Soon after yesterday's post, JB stopped hitting the PCA button less frequently and was soon able to sit up. She was moving around quite well. JB had solids for dinner and all the tubes were disconnected. She took t.ylenol th.rees but they weren't that effective. She was switched to o.xycontin. From about 4:00 this morning on, huge gas pain started. Pain killers do nothing for that. She went for a long walk around the floor this morning and then slept for an hour and a half.
JB is feeling better now and gearing up for a shower.
The doctor seems quite hopeful about our chances.
Thanks for all your Prayers. They are deeply appreciated.
JB's trying to keep up with your blogs but the reading is tough.
Mr. JB
5 August 2009
New Update
Hello All,
JB had a good night's sleep. Her morning was fine until a nasty technician arrived to take blood. The experience was most unpleasant. JB asked for a butterfly needle and was made to feel guilty about it. To quote, "Other technicians spoil their patients." When JB asked for Kleenex, she was told the tech had none so she was given "scratchy" paper towel. The nurse said JB could refuse blood if a tech was nasty again.
After that the doctor's interns showed up and said that the surgery went very well. As soon as the adhesions were removed the fallopian tubes went back to the right spot. They weren't able to give many details because they were not in the operating room.
The PCA (the pain med pump) acted up and the machine wouldn't stop beeping. So the nurses had to call in other nurses and 3 anesthesiologists to look at it. During the commotion, JB received too much pain medication. She felt sick and out of it. She was given an anti-nauseant and weak and numb for over an hour. The nurse felt very bad. The catheter is removed and it was "THE WEIRDEST FEELING EVER." She has since walked twice to the washroom. The first time was very painful. JB had a good output from her bladder.
She is getting by on jello and a b.ooster j.uice (smoothie). She had a good blood count. The hemoglobin count should be at 100 and JB was at 110. There is no spotting. JB finally brushed her teeth and she was ecstatic about it.
The staff here is excellent, other than that tech.
Thank you again for your Prayers. They're greatly appreciated.
We'll report more after we talk to the doctor.
Mr. JB
P.S. They keep asking why she's on N.altrexone. They thinks she's a druggie.
P.P.S. They're was a shooting last night. No one could leave or enter the hospital. JB was safe up here on 15.
JB had a good night's sleep. Her morning was fine until a nasty technician arrived to take blood. The experience was most unpleasant. JB asked for a butterfly needle and was made to feel guilty about it. To quote, "Other technicians spoil their patients." When JB asked for Kleenex, she was told the tech had none so she was given "scratchy" paper towel. The nurse said JB could refuse blood if a tech was nasty again.
After that the doctor's interns showed up and said that the surgery went very well. As soon as the adhesions were removed the fallopian tubes went back to the right spot. They weren't able to give many details because they were not in the operating room.
The PCA (the pain med pump) acted up and the machine wouldn't stop beeping. So the nurses had to call in other nurses and 3 anesthesiologists to look at it. During the commotion, JB received too much pain medication. She felt sick and out of it. She was given an anti-nauseant and weak and numb for over an hour. The nurse felt very bad. The catheter is removed and it was "THE WEIRDEST FEELING EVER." She has since walked twice to the washroom. The first time was very painful. JB had a good output from her bladder.
She is getting by on jello and a b.ooster j.uice (smoothie). She had a good blood count. The hemoglobin count should be at 100 and JB was at 110. There is no spotting. JB finally brushed her teeth and she was ecstatic about it.
The staff here is excellent, other than that tech.
Thank you again for your Prayers. They're greatly appreciated.
We'll report more after we talk to the doctor.
Mr. JB
P.S. They keep asking why she's on N.altrexone. They thinks she's a druggie.
P.P.S. They're was a shooting last night. No one could leave or enter the hospital. JB was safe up here on 15.
4 August 2009
Surgery Update
Hello All,
Jelly Belly's surgery has been completed. It took just under two hours. She has been in her room since, roughly, 3:30. We have not spoke to the doctor. Jelly Belly is a great deal of pain and is working on her third cup of crushed ice. She's trying to sleep but it hasn't been working.
Thank you for all your Prayers.
That's all for now,
Mr. Jelly Belly
Jelly Belly's surgery has been completed. It took just under two hours. She has been in her room since, roughly, 3:30. We have not spoke to the doctor. Jelly Belly is a great deal of pain and is working on her third cup of crushed ice. She's trying to sleep but it hasn't been working.
Thank you for all your Prayers.
That's all for now,
Mr. Jelly Belly
This is it folks!
So we're about to leave for the hospital and I don't know if I'll be able to update there personally. I'm going to ask Mr. JB to phone My Reality to update my condition and I'll also ask him to e-mail the girls I went away with this weekend.
The bowel prep was horrendous! Stuff was coming out both ends! After the second dose of stuff I was throwing EVERYTHING up.
I really just want all of this business done and over with.
Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes. I'll blog more about my trip south with the ladies. It was exactly what I needed to get me ready for surgery.
The next time I post I'll be endo free! Woohoo!
The bowel prep was horrendous! Stuff was coming out both ends! After the second dose of stuff I was throwing EVERYTHING up.
I really just want all of this business done and over with.
Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes. I'll blog more about my trip south with the ladies. It was exactly what I needed to get me ready for surgery.
The next time I post I'll be endo free! Woohoo!
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