29 February 2012

On Alert

It's P+16.

And no, I will not POAS.

Even if you beg, threaten or ask nicely.

All of you know what happens to an IF girl when she POAS.

I thought that after last month's P+17/CD1 drama that it wouldn't be as stressful.

I am trying not to analyze every single symptom (are my boobs more sore today, or are they less sore?) and going to the bathroom is ridiculously stressful.

Oh prayer buddy, I am offering all of this stress for you!


  1. Praying for you. Stress go away. Hope stay put!

  2. Just thinking...are your cycles getting longer since after your operation?

    Because that is a very good sign, yes?!!!

  3. Oh, JB! I am praying and staying hopeful for you! Stay strong! AND STAY AWAY AF!

  4. Stay far far away Aunt Flo!!! Praying!!!!!!

  5. Hoping and praying!!!!

    How long are you going to old out?!

  6. Oh boy!! Praying for you!!!!!!! I agree don't poas!!!! Those things are evil!

  7. Praying!!! AF you are not welcome at JB's!!!

  8. Um, I could have written this! (Just make that P+16 a P+15.)

    We should start a "will not POAS" club! Though I must admit I've never been more tempted than I have been the last 12 hours or so. Who knew going pee could cause so much anxiety?!?!

    Sending lots of love and prayers your way "cycle buddy."

  9. Oh my goodness, praying for you!

  10. Ahhhhjh!!!! Why didn't you tell me this morning?!!!?!!!

  11. I said once before that I would "shit a brick" if someone was pg... who was that... mrsblondies, I think... anyway, she was, and I kept my word.

    But now I'm more regular, what with all the kombucha and no dairy. So, I fear I cannot make you the same promise. But... I promise to come up to Canada and give you a PERSONAL PG HUG if you are pg!!!!!!! Stranger Lenten miracles have been known to occur during Prayer Buddies!!!!!!!! I am praying SO HARD!

  12. Oh my goodness!! I can't believe it's already that time again!!! Here's hoping and praying that that pesky AF stays away!! Praying so hard for you!!!!

  13. Awwwww, you poor thing. I hate going to the bathroom when I'm around that time. I pray that you will have some good news soon!

  14. OH, I'll be PRAYING HARD for you!!! I can't imagine the stress you are under waiting to know!

  15. ROTFLOL at TICE!!! ba ha ha ha

  16. Oh man, I'm so hoping for good news for you. You have great self control. I poas'd all the time during our years of trying. All. The. Time! Anyway, sending up a special prayer for you jb!

  17. Many, many prayers! SO hopeful!!

  18. I hope, I hope, I hope this is the month for you - fingers crossed! Hang in there. When will you POAS or have a blood test done?? I don't deal well with suspense :)

  19. Yeeeeeeeeee
    This is so exciting!

  20. Wow..that would be amazing to happen so soon after surgery...praying for you!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog..so helpful. That is what I feel...my last surgery..and I want it to be done right!

  21. Good for you for not POAS yet. :) I'm praying hard this is it!!!!

  22. That would be why you especially came to my mind during prayers this morning. Praying really hard for you. I totally understand not wanting to POAS. Will be obsessed with your blog now until we find out for sure!

  23. Woke up thinking about you and Rebecca both today. Please God, we're begging you!

  24. I really really hope and pray that this is your month. I can't wait to hear updates..

  25. I don't think there's any way to avoid the stress except maybe trying to distract yourself. Praying for you and hoping for the BEST news.

  26. I won't make ya! :) I know how torturous those POAS tests can be! I'm praying for a WONDERFUL outcome for you!!!!!!!!!!

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