22 August 2011

The good news continues...

Thank you so much for your comments on my last post. I feel so blessed to have so many people praying and rejoicing with me!

This afternoon (while at the mall with Mr JB, I tricked him into going to Ikea AND the mall, so I bribed him with fries at the food court) my brother-in-law said that the Jesuit community at Creighton would be happy to host us while I am in Omaha for my surgery.

I had to stop myself from doing cartwheels in front of everyone!

This is what the message said:
They’re set, JellyBelly's Jesuit BIL,
    Want to have one of them email me to make more direct plans for arrival?
    We’re glad to host family members of SJ’s when we can. This works out well.
    Blessings to you and on their efforts to conceive!

My BIL got the response in less than half an hour from his initial message (which forgot that I had had two surgeries, but that's just a technicality at this point).

Staying with the Jesuits will save us at least $1 000, or perhaps more. I'm not sure if we will be eating all our meals with them, but I wouldn't be surprised if we did.

I am still waiting for the new paperwork from PPVI for my new surgery protocol and I have an appointment with my local Napro doctor on Wednesday to get all of the test results from July (I was tested for MTHFR and my insulin resistance was re-tested).

I have been feeling so at peace lately, which has been such a gift. We went spent the weekend at Mr. JB's cousin's cottage and we were the only childless couple and I was able to play with the kids and hold the babies without feeling sorry for myself. We also attended a family reunion for Mr. JB's dad's family and one of his cousins came up to us to ask us if we had  a little girl. She was convinced that I had had a baby and that it was definitely a girl, perhaps she was predicting something? This cousin was also the first family member, aside from his dad, that he called to tell that we were engaged (he had made the promise when he was a teenager and went through with it).

I'd like to believe that after our journey to Omaha that we will be able to conceive that little girl!

p.s. I had a brain fart and I gave myself two HCG injections back to back. For some reason I was convinced that I had to give myself an injection on Friday, but I was really supposed to do it on Saturday. I went for my Peak +7 blood work today and I'm sure that my hormones are all out of whack. And you know what? I really don't care!


  1. That's fantastic! So glad that bil is on his way to redemption by helping youg guys out.

  2. Great news! I love reading the optimism in your post! Many prayers for you as you approach your surgery date.

  3. Yay! Lots of great news! And I love your attitude!

  4. Good to hear that you are so positive. So happy for you.

  5. I am so happy for you JB!! tomorrow I will put this intention in front of the relics of JPII.

  6. Yay! So glad things continue to work out so well for your surgery.

  7. So awesome!! I love to hear your good news!!!

  8. Oh, I'm so happy you're feeling such peace! :) It's such a blessing!

  9. That is great!! I hope I get an opportunity to meet you when you come! :)

  10. This is so great!!!

    And I hear ya on the not really knowing/caring about your cycle and meds right now. I am not charting, and yet still trying to take progesterone to combat PMS... well, let's just say when the therapist asked me when I would be in the midst of my worst PMS, I told him, "I guess we'll know when I'm in it... cuz I have absolutely no idea where I am in my cycle!"

  11. Wow, things are falling into place! So exciting!

  12. HOORAY to being able to save that money! I am so glad things are working out so well for you ... it is truly meant to be that you are going on this trip! (not that you thought otherwise ... but its another sign!)

  13. YAy, yay! Keep the good news coming lady!!

  14. Oh my oh my! How sweet:) This is such a true blessing. You will definitely be saving. I love hearing the positivity in your voice. It really brings a smile to my face. I can't wait for you to go out to Omaha and experience things at PPVI. They are wonderful, Creighton is awesomely clean with the nicest staff on earth...its all going to be great:)

  15. That's wonderful. There's always such peace being under the same roof as a religious order, and I can't think of a better time to have that than recovering from surgery.

    Re: HCG shots - I think you took that extra one for me. I was supposed to have my last one this past Monday, but completely forgot - I was going to take it on Tuesday, but by Tuesday I was spotting, so I gave up. Of course despite the spotting CD1 wasn't until the following Sunday. STUPID CYCLE!

  16. Great news! I am so glad the pieces are all falling into place - that always seems like a good indicator to me. I hope the last bit of summer holiday and the lead up to the new year goes well, and that this years' class is as wonderful as last years!

  17. w00t w00t! And staying with the Jesuits sounds like fun, too!

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