29 August 2011

Dipping a toe in...

So I went to school today (for the second time, but the first time was just to drop off the stuff that I had with me for the workshops that I taught earlier this month). It was much easier this time around since I'm in the same classroom and I was pretty good at putting things away nicely (last year my former grade one partner left me a HUGE mess and I was so stressed out). I do have to say that H.ydrocort has made such a difference! My head was actually clear and I was able to function. I am so glad that I don't have to go off of it before my surgery!

Today is CD3 and I am so crampy. I was hoping that we would miraculously get pg before my surgery, but I was disappointed yet again. This is the last cycle that we can actually try before my ultrasound series (yay TCIE!!!), so we have one last shot.

I was talking to my awesome chiropractor today about my upcoming surgery in Omaha and we were both lamenting on how frustrating it is that the surgeon that did my surgeries here didn't do a thorough enough job. I'm thinking now that he did enough to remove the endometriosis, but not all of it which is why my cramps have gotten worse and worse.

The one thing I am not looking forward to is having to tell my principal that I am going to be taking two months off. I already got a note from my Napro doctor saying that I am having major surgery and that I need the time. According to Dr. Hil.gers I need to take 4 to 6 weeks off and since my surgery is at the beginning of November, if I were to return in 6 weeks I'd be back right before Christmas. I think that it would be easier for everyone involved (especially the teacher that will be filling in for me!) if I came back in the new year. I think that I'm going to call my union first to get their advice before I go in to see my principal.

I can't believe that the summer vacation is almost over! Is it weird that part of me is looking forward to having the time off this fall?

Prayer buddy, thank you for all of your prayers! I cannot believe how at peace I've been feeling lately! And to the blogger that I'm praying for, you've been getting so many prayers offered up for you!


  1. You won't regret taking the full 8 weeks. It makes a difference. That way you can really enjoy the holidays.

  2. i think it is IMPERATIVE that you take time off to heal properly. Good idea to wait until the new year. :)

  3. I remember feeling so hopeful for my last cycle.....BFN, so off to Omaha I go! I have a great feeling that your Omaha experience will be wonderful, healing, and worthwhile. Don't be surprised if you have a mix of emotions ranging from excitement to super scared as your surgery date approaches! This is going to work out great for you...prayers!

  4. This is exciting! And enjoy that time off and the holidays... sounds like a great time to just rest and recover.

  5. Take the time off to rest (that can already be a stressful time of year!) And I'm so glad you've been more peaceful; prayers for you that it all continues!

  6. I agree with everyone. Take the time to heal and "relax." You might even get pregnant :)

  7. I have to COMPLETELY agree with you about coming back in the New Year. I also had the 4-6 week stipulation after my laparotomy, and I decided to go back after 4 weeks on "light duty," thinking I would just not lift anything... but, guess what happens when you're a teacher and your 6 year old students haven't seen you in 4 weeks?? Yup. I think all that foceful, exuberant hugging probably would have been better to handle after 6 weeks of fully healing ;)

  8. I'm sorry about another BFN and the cramps. I don't regret my surgeries at PPVI as my cramps now are all but non-existent. It is great!

  9. Just want you to know I am praying my heart out for you and can't wait until you are at PPVI.

  10. I went back to work after just one week and I was fine, but I never have to lift anything heavier than a legal pad. In totally unrelated news, I seem to have a lot of trouble keeping weight off since I started working full time a few years back...so, for those whose jobs include any sort of physical vigor, even a pulse, definitely take all the time you need to heal. It feels like eternity when you're laid up, but it's always over before you know it!

  11. Sounds like things are coming together so smoothly! Yay for that and for peace.

  12. Definitely take the time! You'll be so glad you did, and it will fly by!

  13. I know how hard it is to leave the little guys but, I'm glad you are taking the time. I've been into my room a bit too and have the furniture moved. So much more work to do.....So excited for you to finally have this procedure done!

  14. I understand your aprehension at telling your principal about the needed time off, praying that conversation goes well :)

    ..and summer break almost over? So crazy, girl! We are halfway through our first quarter down her in Mississippi!

  15. You should definitely take the time off. I had my big surgery with Dr. H in May, and it took the full 6 weeks to recover. I still felt exhausted often even after that 6 weeks. They say that the anesthesia can do that to you. I agree with you that of your 6 weeks ends up falling in December, you should just come back in January. Let yourself enjoy the break!

  16. Wow, I am so out of the loop. I think it is awesome you are getting this big surgery out of the way and a u/s series to boot?! Good things are gonna come your way! I am glad the school year restarting won't be as crazy as before and that the hydrocort is helping so much.

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