4 November 2009

Prayers please! *Updated

I've been in some pretty intense pain on my lower right side. I think that I ate something that disagreed with earlier today and I've taken A.dvil. It's not as bad as it was when Mr. JB took me to the hospital, but it is pretty bad. I can't even eat because the pain is so bad.

I really don't want to go back to the hospital. I really don't want to miss work tomorrow.

I just want a normal life. I hate always being in pain.



I took some A.dvil and T.ylenol at about 9pm and promptly feel asleep. When I woke up as the Y.ankees won the W.orld S.eries the pain was gone.

The pain was definitely digestion-related. Now I have to figure out what I ate to cause so much discomfort...

Thanks for all of your prayers! I don't know what I would do without all of you!


  1. Oh, no!! I'm so sorry that you're in so much pain!

    I'm crossing everything that it goes away and that you don't have to go to the hospital.

    Thinking of you.

  2. So not good. Keep an eye on it though, because your appendix is there.

    Seriously universe, give JB a break.

    If you need anything, let me know.

  3. Oh my , maybe you should go to the hospital. Pain is not good!

  4. Oh my goodness!!!!! I am praying for you!!!

    Keep us posted :)


  5. I hope you feel better soon!!! I'll be praying for you!

  6. Maybe the Yankees winning helped ;) (I'm a huge NY fan.. can you tell?) Seriously, glad you're feeling better, and I hope you can find the culprit and avoid that food. Pain sucks!

  7. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Sorry you had to deal with the scary pain.

  8. I hope you're able to figure out what hurt your stomach so badly. Glad you're feeling better!

  9. Whew! So glad that I read this with the update... and glad that you are feeling better!

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