3 July 2011

No rest for the wicked

So my summer gig starts tomorrow morning.


$4500 for three weeks of work.

$4500 which will pay a BIG chunk of my surgery in Omaha. $4500 that will join the money I made last summer (that has been smartly invested by our money guy).

It wasn't a coincidence that the chance to have Dr H operate on me and this job came up.

Have I mentioned how at peace I am about going to Omaha? It made the last arrival of AF not seem so bad (and being at a Canada Day party where we were the only childless people in attendance, I even held a baby!).

I pray that these next three weeks aren't as painful as it was last summer. This summer I have Hy.drocort and my magic tinctures from Dr Nora -- if I could make it to the last day of school without falling into an exhausted heap (I was even able to have an intelligent conversation with one of the nurses at PPVI about my ultrasound series after school -- TCIE is going to wand me so I only have to make one trip to Omaha, thank the Lord!).

I've also picked out a treat that I'm going to get when my job is done. Yes, the carrot that I'm dangling in front of me is a gorgeous purse. I am such a girl.

I just hope and pray that the group of people that I'm going to be working with are not annoying! Adults are so much harder to work with than kids!


  1. Gl tomorrow! I hope you get a nice set of adults to work with!

  2. Keep you eye on the prize! I agree kids are much easier but I hope you luck out with a nice group to work with!

  3. I'm praying for you and so excited! I know the feeling about summer jobs as a teacher. So many teachers don't work, but I always felt good about the extra money. I need to re-read your posts - I can't remember - do you have a date with Dr. H?

    Praying for you!

  4. I've been trying to decide how much I want that "I've been wanded by TCIE" button myself. Nice job :).

  5. That is a quick turn around time on jobs. Praying your first day went well today and you have fabulous students and few problems these next 3 weeks.

  6. It's amazing how God does provide! Good luck at work.

  7. Wow, you really don't get much down time in between, eh? :(
    It will be worth to be able to afford Omaha, though. Sorry about AF. Looking forward to Friday! :)

  8. Can't wait to see a pic of that purse. :) AND can't wait to meet you when you come to Omaha!!

  9. picture plzzz of the PURSE!
    good that you have stashed away the money for the operation! soo looking forward to FRIDAY!!

  10. Glad you are feeling better than last year. The end of the school year is so hectic and to turn around and start again can be hard. But, sounds like you are well and that's great news!! Have fun with the kids ;)

  11. Hope everything started out well! Yes, us ladies need to see a pic of the purse!

  12. That is an awesome job opportunity for you though I am sure you would like to have some time off work too. I hope you have a great group to work with too!

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