3 January 2010

The "Better Late Than Never" Blog Give-away

I got the Plain White Box from my IRL blog friend, My Reality (who just had a beautiful baby girl on December 27th! Woot! Woot!) way back in November.

Now, I know that I was supposed to pass it along quickly, but my life was crazy busy (remember, I was growing an abscess, writing report cards, waiting for my period, conducting parent-teacher interviews and then Christmas happened!) and I kept on thinking that I would find time to post about it.

My Reality filled the Plain White Box with many, many cool things. I got some cute little notebooks (the flowery one is going in my purse for tomorrow!), slipper socks, Jelly Belly jelly beans, a lovely candle holder (that is in a place of honour in my bedroom) and some rockin' K.iss M.y F.ace lotion that lives in my yoga bag.

I've put some goodies of my own in the box, but I will add a few personalized things once the blogger is chosen.

So if you're interested in receiving the Plain White Box just leave a comment before January 6th. I'll put all of your names in a snugly winter hat (or touque as us Canucks call 'em) and Mr. JB will choose who the box will go to!


I'm feeling more than a little anxious about going back to work. I feel like I haven't gotten enough rest (although I've napped like a champ and slept in like crazy, the benefits of being barren!). I'd love to just go to work and hang out with the kiddies, but I don't think that their parents would be happy that my curriculum would consist of playing freeze-dance and reading stories!

I start my HCG injections tonight. Mr. JB told me earlier that he's anxious about it, which is so strange since I'm the one that is scared of needles! I can't wait to have a normal amount of hormone in my body. The progesterone suppositories SUCKED!


  1. That sounds like such a cool idea! Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I personally think you had enough stuff going on to justify getting around to posting about when you finally did! Happy feast of the Epiphany!

  2. That sounds like a really fun idea! I'd like my name thrown in(please).

    I know what you mean about going back to work...eventhough I'm currently a substitute teacher ( Lord willing this will be my last year)..I'm dreading that early morning call. It literally makes my dh and I jump out of bed. I'm sure the children will love seeing you again and I love that Freeze Dance song! Whenever I have extra time...we dance!

    And you know the parents are probably happy their "sweet" babies are back in school. :)

  3. the plain white box sounds awesome! i'd like to be in too!

    hope your week back at work goes well... just think about coming home tomorrow evening, and that will get you through the first day back.. from there you'll be good to go!

  4. Lovely HCG! I will put my name in the hat only if you add HCG!!! hahahaha JUST KIDDING! ;)

    Drop me in that hat! :)

    I hope you have a good day tomorrow!!! xxoo

  5. Add me in as well.

    I hope the hcg works well for you. My husband takes it and I had to give me a shot once or twice and I'm not a needle fan either!

  6. I'd love to be entered. Thanks!

    I hope your first week back goes well. Have fun freeze dancing!

  7. I'd love to be entered, what a neat idea! I am wondering how you are doing the hcg shots-is Mr. JB giving them IM or are you doing them to yourself sub-Q. This month, probably a week or 2 from now I am going to start giving them to myself sub q and, even though I don't mind needles, I am nervous. Always dh gave them before (he HATES needles). good times. but seriously worth it, i really do love hcg!

  8. Tomorrow I go back to teaching and already I'm envisioning comotose students! :P Good luck with your new semester.

    BTW, please enter me in the drawing, eh? :)

  9. Enter me!

    My DH was terrified to give the first shot, too. He actually messed it up the first time a little which didn't bother me, but made him even more nervous. Now, it's easy. It's just the leading up to it that is bad.

    I hope your week goes well.

  10. Ok, I feel silly, but I don't know what the white box is! I'm guessing it's something that travels with goodies inside? Anyways, count me in!!

    Good luck with the injections. :)

  11. haha I am totally down for the white box but I am probably too far away postage wise to be considered :)

    Good luck with the injections - I hate those things!

  12. Hope the first day back went ok. At least I think you went back to school today!

    I wasn't exactly timely with the box either. And I was excited when your comment number came up on the random.org generator!

    Have fun with the HCG.

  13. I would like to enter your blog giveaway...yeah, i love things like thins. Thank you!
    many prayers,

  14. I would love to be entered in to the drawing!!!

  15. Hi,
    Have faith. It will happen soon!! Blessings from Chicago!!! I am also 1st grade teacher and the joys o 6 and 7 year olds.

  16. Please include my name in the drawing for the Reality box. After two years of medical hell and losing my father to cancer, I think I might need a dose of heartful reality!

  17. So does the box travel around with gifts? What a fun idea! I'd love to put my name in the hat too!
